Quote Request form

Tagless Labels

First Name(required)
Last Name(required)
Address(required) City
Phone Number(required)
Email Address(required)
Product type Roll Single
Status New order Re-order (most recent previous P/O number )
Peel Hot Cold *Cold peel is applicable only for Single.
Size of your artwork(required) Height: inches × Width: inches? (imprint dimensions)
The number of colors
used in your design(required)
colors (up to 5 colors)



Total pieces
Size range

* The price may vary according to the size range.
* Minimum quantity differs according to the size of your design.? If your desired quantity is less than minimum quantity,
we will give you a quote for minimum quantity.


Please upload your artwork from here.(.zip .lzh .sit)

If your artwork is more than 50MB, please submit it to transfers@ozakiscreen.jp via online storage service.
(Please make sure to give us your recognizable information along with your artwork data.)

If you are not ready to submit your artwork yet, please make sure to fill out required questions.
What kind of heat transfer press machine do you have?

Roll to Roll press machine? Clamp-shell type press machine


Please tell us other conditions